
"But they Family..." Oh?

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They say experience forms an individual’s operative definitions for their day to day functioning. Based off of the personal, business and vicarious experiences of close friends-and friends, who feel they are close enough to tell me all of their business, though all of my body language says “This is inappropriate, I don’t know you like that-Please stop!”
My definition of family is as follows:

Family (N): A group loosely connected, usually by blood, that doesn’t know how to act if and when they come together because society is confuddled by and ever changing concept of family and morality.

When I am confronted with the threat of Family (Yes it’s a threat), I think fights, drama and baggage from a past that, I haven’t gotten over but, I have pretended like I have forgotten. I am not above admitting that I have had all types of  awful issues in my family ranging from, but not limited too; drug abuse, physical abuse, elder abuse and financial abuse. Calling to mind something my aunt used to tell me, “you can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family.” She ended it with a period, but I would have ended it with a question mark, “You can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family?” Why can’t we choose our families?

The Fitness Routine

I went to Puerto Rico, and threatened to drop a bikini pic. It was a false , empty threat, as I saw the pictures and I was not pleased with the way I represented in my bikini. I don't know if I can ever post it, even in a before and after way. I was "sloppy fluffy" and after seeing the picture, I had a "I need to do better" moment, because bathing suits (especially bikini's ) are truly unforgiving-even if you are a skinny girl.

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Vacation will inspire you...in a multitude of ways (writing this from KY right now)