
MTV VMA 2013 Observations

                                                  Normally I don't do this , but whatever...

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However, this probably has more to do with the fact that I work, school and parent my bunny, so I usually  never have time for this

Mainstream Media resists a fair representation of black people...

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Word?!!? Noooo!

I went to this event, a few months ago...on May 15, 2013, by mistake . This guy, whom I met on the internet, wanted to meet here.

He was ,and is, the bougie for no reason at all type and wanted to "be seen" on 'the scene'. So I met him at MIST: Harlem for this Black , Brown and Digital event.( more about his nutty ass later, maybe)

Anyway, it was at this event I discovered some new trendy things worth my time: New Web series and independent film to watch, when I cant download anymore reality TV . I  won't lie and say I have watched it all, but one day/sleepless night coming soon, I may, but For now, I am going to lay down an interest list and do a 'few' lines of thought for each, with a meme that sums it up. No particular order.