
finding a new place

Since being "moved" from my old place, I am searching for a new place-alone.
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When I say that I am not looking with a roomate, people look at me like:

 photo tumblr_mjas3o4caJ1rsnk7fo1_400.gifApparently, being alone is a luxury...which has forced me
to ponder what being alone in an apartment will mean:

-probably not shopping at whole foods-ever again.
-No extracurricular activities that don't involve work.
-No new friends or old ones.

and so on and so forth...

Which is probably why almost everyone I know has roommates .


On Miss America

Little known facet: I was a  runner up in an Beautiful Baby, New York contest. I should have won first place. When I didn't I am sure I looked like this

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At two. 

Now, as a sophisticated intellectual, I take pride in not watching pageants anymore.The black girl never wins anyway; no matter how gorgeous, wonderful, poised, or educated. However, something of historical interest happened this past weekend.

Nina Davuluri became the first Indian American to win Miss America ever, in 2014.

I think that is dope, however many people across the country don't.  One man actually said, on twitter, "Miss America, you mean Miss 7-11"