
Solicitation on the Train is Illegal, but for those who insist...

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This guy

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I am not.
Not a dime, nickel, or a quarter...

Homeless; a working definition

Homeless or not, my standards haven't changed. If anything they have risen since I have moved...back with "'moms and 'em".

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Coincidentally Ms. Kendra, while not homeless, has one home less-because she was evicted...

However, I hate when people look at me like... I have a problem because I am just home with my mom like
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Homeless : Eating out, but not outside...

Living at home, allows me to eat out a lot...because I save money on things: namely rent.

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For the unoccupied intellectual Insomniac who needs something to do-because they can't get done...

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 Art, Websites, Films Ideas, with links to films and discussion boards that I find interesting...Don't judge me!  (I will add more as I discover) Check back often

Henna: "Ish" I like

I am a "scary" (as many of my southern relations call it), so I don't do real tattoos; I am extremely afraid that I will turn 80 and have a big old golden rose on or, god forbid,, someones name on my booty. Hey, if you have one of these things-if you like it-I love it. It still isn't for me.

I have thought about getting a quote or something Egyptian, like Rhianna...maybe when I am to old to care...

Anywhosits, I decided not to make any permanent solutions for the temporary problem of not having any ink-I made a temporary decision instead and got a henna tattoo.
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See you at the Crossroads: (yes, no, maybe?)

My sister's brother died a few days ago.He was twenty.

His funeral is today at 11am. I was trying to figure out what happened, mainly because, when you are relatively young and someone younger than you dies-even if the connection is arbitrary, it's worrisome. I wanted to know how he died, but I wouldn't dare ask-because that would be insensitive.
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SO , instead of asking, I googled:
And what I found...:

Resolved: Thought(s) On funerals

Funerals are hard for me, and that is part of the reason "I don't really do" them , because they are so hard, long and fake..oh, and early...

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Idealy, a funeral is the one place where you should "get it how you live", but propriety stifles people from telling it like it is strangely enough, in the last place they probably will be able too.