
Grammar: why, how and where it matters may surprise you...

So...I online date...
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Yeah, I know,  many people think its a horrible idea; because I am too good looking, too successful (cough ! cough!) and too together (hack cough) to seek a mate online...

 photo tumblr_mjf8l3rJXy1qatmzjo4_500.gifThis is utter B.S.! The people you meet online are the same maladaptive antisocial folks you could meet at a networking event, a job, the train, a club or on the street. The person, of the online profile, does live somewhere...the place they live: real life.

Bitter Medicine of Adulthood: choosing and choices

Some choices we makes for ourselves in life , and some we make for other people; not because we don't love them, but because we do.The only way we know its right, is if it lats us stay true to ourselves...but, we cant regret our choices:
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well, at least, that's what they say, in clever TV shows that only last twenty minutes and revolve around the impossible; prostitutes with swollen bank accounts and many private lovers who want to take them off the auction block despite how they have been used...London must be so liberal. I loved that show. Also, this guy certainly echos this sentiment as well; he certainly made a choice and is without regret. Though I suppose, if you are going to kill someone , you shouldn't regret it-but his reasoning is just humorous in  the most macabre way...Anyway!


Abstinence: A new perspective, not about the value of your vagina, but about valuing your vagina..

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Prior to my last partner, I hadn't had sex in over two years...This article inspired me to write on it

Problem: Whenever, I got close enough to someone to warrant this kind of personal revelation, I would always get the:
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  • why haven't you been having sex?
  •  you are such a pretty girl?
  •  Is it because you are crazy?
  •  do you have something?
  •  Are you a prude?"

The answers (had I chosen to entertain such ignorance) would have been like this:

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  •  blank stare
  •  So, pretty girl =sex fiend (Judge mathis voice) ?
  •  I have been called crazy and on occasion I have acted so-but it's always been provoked.  Crazy by me has never been performed in a vacum.
  •  I do have something...lupus-I am afraid it's incommunicable-because I'd love to share it with you!
  • Heavens no!


Why working on Thanksgiving is not tantamount to 12 years a slave...

Everyone doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving.(cue the American Indian)

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In addition, everyone doesn't want to work holidays, making time and a half / triple time. However, if you want to make some extra money, you should have the option to.

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His choice