
Why working on Thanksgiving is not tantamount to 12 years a slave...

Everyone doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving.(cue the American Indian)

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In addition, everyone doesn't want to work holidays, making time and a half / triple time. However, if you want to make some extra money, you should have the option to.

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His choice

I have a friend who makes 6ok a year, but he works at a retail spot (as a  manager) during the holidays and makes an additional 20k (2 months) . As do other students, parents and people who have been fooled by the slight of hand (making double of 7.25 hr)  and feel they are really making out..

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My choice!

I don't work in retail-I spend the time with my family. That nets me 0k (2 months).

Choices; Options. I like them. Even though I am a woman. Even though I am black, It feels like America every time I make one: shop on Thanksgiving, don't shop on Thanksgiving...The point is: choices...
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 photo tumblr_mmnhpaW8kR1sq7r8uo1_500.gifOf all things, why is this an issue. Why is a change.org petition needed for a choice? Is there some mass kidnapping of folks from their families that we don't know about? Are people being snatched from the door stops of relatives and being forced to work at Macy's overnight, because they are short-staffed?

My Thought: If you ACCEPT a job at a retail establishment, you SHOULD entertain the possibility it will be open on holidays and you may have to work...
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Who is so uninformed that in this day and age that they don't know that there is precious little that Corporations do that isn't about the bottom line-money. The equation is simple; as long as  people do this:
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 and make companies this:
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They will be open

If you find the company is open during holiday that you must spend with your family, because you would just rather not make money on that day-Just don't work there!
Use the internet, and apply elsewhere..
 photo rebel-wilson-hunger-games-gifs-pardonmyfranglais.gifWhy does Best Buy, Target, Barney's etc...year round capitalism turn into a crime during the holiday season?  Also, if you don't agree that a store should be selling things on holidays, then don't shop there! If all of this outrage about this "pseudo issue" is real, the option to shop during the  actual holidays in 2014 will be a "non-factor"; Best Buy, Target, Barney's etc...won't be making a dime this year, so they will just figure shopping on thanksgiving isn't what people want to do-so why lose money to keep the store open.

 LOL. That's not happening. This is just something, people who don't have enough real issues get angry about...This has been going on since before the internet existed..remember that?

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However, don't be fooled-There is something to be angry about here, like the reality of thanksgiving and why we ,as a nation, shouldn't celebrate rape , genocide or possibly the first big conspiracy/ try to cover it up.. with blankets, pie, turkey and now electronics.... whats in this petition "ain't it":

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Furthermore, If a store being open during the holidays interferes with your values, then your values weren't "worth a damn to begin with". And that's real!

Maybe, I could care less because I won't be in anybody's store, working or twerking on Thanksgiving!

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Until next time,

Night. Happy Thanksgiving. All of that...:-0

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