
TNT: Conversations with my Twin

Do  you have a relative/friend who just makes you feel so free to be you that it's like you aren't your complete self when they aren't around? It's like they are your twin?

I have a cousin/ God Sister who taps into my humanity like no other.

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I'm like Pop-eye, but she is like my spinach .
 I just feel more able to "do me" when she is around. And when she isn't, I know that things would be different if she was in the building!She emboldens the hell out of me and I ground her; I  still don't know if that is a good or bad thing.
For example:

Born sinner: I cheated on my boyfriend.

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                                              "I was born sinning, but I live better than that"

Word, finally a rap song about being introspective and making a decision to just live better even though life is crazy and has you surrounded by people who will oft times convince you to do stuff you shouldn't....or try to convince you to live your life, according to their plan. It's sinful:  Ellen thinks so too-I love when people just "do them"

Moving on to real life...The woman who was washing the "NSSO's" underwear at her house, kept hitting me up on facebook saying happy birthday and liking my sexy pics (all of my pics are default sexy)...She is all "free", so this probably means she wants to have sex with me, but even if I could get past this betrayal of the "G Code" , as Nene Leakes calls it, I still wouldn't be bothered with her-even if I could rent my worst enemies vagina to do  so...

Fast forward, I entered a new "real relationship", while I was angry about what happened in my previous relationship and still unsure about feelings for the the other person in my new "real relationship". Furthermore, I have had enough bad experiences to have moments where I am like:
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So getting into a relationship is well, ...a Bad idea!
 But  bad ideas are seductive, so I did it anyway...