
TNT: Conversations with my Twin

Do  you have a relative/friend who just makes you feel so free to be you that it's like you aren't your complete self when they aren't around? It's like they are your twin?

I have a cousin/ God Sister who taps into my humanity like no other.

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I'm like Pop-eye, but she is like my spinach .
 I just feel more able to "do me" when she is around. And when she isn't, I know that things would be different if she was in the building!She emboldens the hell out of me and I ground her; I  still don't know if that is a good or bad thing.
For example:

I can't handle everything by myself and I don't like to bring my "Harlem" out on people and you would think that anyone over the age of twenty five would have hung up their boxing gloves by now-so there is no need to ever have to lay hands on anyone after a certain age, unless you are ignorant...

However, I have fund the world to be full of ignorant people. I majored in psychology and I specialize in calming people down. I don't believe in fighting over silly ish:
  • men
  • money
  • clothing
  • spaces on lines
  • non-purposeful bumping into one another
  • other things of this nature...
 photo tumblr_mj5resxLnI1ql5yr7o2_250.gifBut, sometimes people just stop while they are ahead or put thier hands on me and force me to meet them where they are:

and for the people who don't know me, just because I have some degrees to keep me warm doesn't mean too much if you are out of pocket because:
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I am pretty, but I "ain't no punk"!

However, sometimes you are out gunned, and need  to recognize when you need some back up. It's like studying and tutoring, you can't take every test head on/ cold turkey.

 photo tumblr_m87k0wbvoZ1rzsvino1_500.gifMy mom is the military, and you don't call the bug guns out on every situation. She is always on ten like:

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 and then I have to hear her mouth, when it's over, like

 photo tumblr_mqxa59cW4M1spogrko1_500.gifSo for the light work, I call my big sister Tierra. All I have to do is pick up the phone and she is there between me and whomever like a flash of light:

and it's like :
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 Like I said, I am extra emboldened

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and when it's all over, T makes a mean pitcher of kool-aide , and I watch her like:

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so we can stay up and talk about everything that happened all night long...and make it funny, even if it wouldn't be to another person who happened to be listening...
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That's love. 

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