
Panty Gate Conclusion and Couple TV Time

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So, WE- the "not so significant other"  and chatted about his "illegal panty" possession. It went better than I thought. Talking is ok...

As it turns out, my findings were contents of his personal museum of panties belonging to exe's. When 'this' is done(any day now it seems), remind me to do a personal panty inventory.The motto: leave them with nothing.

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Then he made it up to me by watching "The Real Housewives of ATL" with me.
{ Sidebar: These foolish shows are not as fun without a "talk buddy": to watch them with, you need someone to mull over the bad behavior with-someone to side-eye when the 'rachetness" is just mindblowing...}I turn on the TV and :

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These shows are just not as "magic" alone.The "NSSO" did his job. He held my mother usual place down admirably-proving that Reality T.V is truly an interactive experience-he made me proud.

The last "project" had the nerve to try make me feel less ivy league/seven sister/intellectual just  for watching , as he would call them, those "rachet shows". He made me feel like I was on the production team, and somehow markedly contributing to the "de-evolvation" of America-Black America in particular. The kicker was, that he was African. African; as in came over here in his teens, lived with flickering lights, night raids and uncertainty in Africa-African.  I don't know about you, but I hate when people from other places, particularly African people (who, in Harlem, seem to do everything they can to seperate thier identity from the African American one,) want to decide what it is to be an upstanding African American.  Furthermore, I felt like he lost his "I struggle" card when he started shopping at IKEA and stocking his cabinents with goods from costco.

I don't go to Nigeria and say"hol' up, wait a minute...STOP!
Everyone needs to be on a computer, composing lottery, check and email scams involving apartments, because this is who you are."So why judge 'my people' for being rich and causing a ruckus about it on T.V!Why judge me for enjoying it?Just admit,when you are at an extreme, rich/poor, the first thing you want to do is cause a ruckus.

Positive Thoughts of the Day:
The "NSSO" staved off his firing. Cheers to his to his ability to remain employed at gentrified inc., especially right before the snowstorm. Here is to me not being cold and alone-it almost happened ...
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'Til next time,

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