
On Sex;evolution of experience

Sex is something for porn stars and college students, who don't know any better. Either you can focus on making it something beautiful for you, or a thing of beauty for the masses.
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I prefer it to be beautiful for me and mines...whomever that is

The battle of the Indian vs the African aka Personal Natural Hair Challenge

I have this really great curly hair...

yet, sometimes, most times, I have this unyielding desire to look like everyone else. I want that sleek , straight hair situation...

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Though I would never get a perm....
I will flat iron my hair into submission, like a foster parent is rumored to beat bad children...often.


My computer was so stolen! What I did.

     With the exception of the first computer, I have ever bought (a second hand mac in 2005), I have abused every computer I have ever owned. So, when I bought my first new computer, and I found out best buy had a insurance option that covered accidental damage,I was like:
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So I bought my computer, had more than a few accidents, then I got more insurance.