
On Sex;evolution of experience

Sex is something for porn stars and college students, who don't know any better. Either you can focus on making it something beautiful for you, or a thing of beauty for the masses.
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I prefer it to be beautiful for me and mines...whomever that is

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The narcissistic bastard that I am, points the camera to focus on me:
I like the attention. The kissing, squeezing, hugging, spanking, cuddling, passion of the manifestation of physical attraction.

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Maybe all of these places in one night
Because of this, for me, Sex can have nothing to do with love, but everything to do with passion.
 It can happen whenever; first date, second date or the wedding night, in a hallway, against a wall, on a bed , or in the bathroom sink.

The best of humanity understands that passion should never be put on a scale subject to judgement; unfortunately most of humanity, isn't the best of it.

 photo emma-stone-easy-a-1-o.gifMany have to do with judgements passed by other people. Overall, I think it's hard for women to realize their full sexual potential, because the idea of that threatens men. Since we live in that realm of envy, where men still control everything, women have to be careful, lest they get labeled

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and limite. And the patriarchy warns us about what being "sexually free' will get you via rap videos..and the "side chick" tell all...

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So, I always have to view Sex as the icing, but never the cake.

The cake is stability; a relationship infused with a mutual respect. Some men are just cake(boyfriends), and others are just icing (secrets)...

Everyone's cake  is different, but I base my future on scales of judgement where sex, nor passion can play too large a part. One where, I have to get shit done.  I can't be immersed in someone else...because if its too dope, I will get distracted..
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As a result, I have all sorts of unrealized passions.LOL

 photo tumblr_md1odxThWC1r4x8d0o1_500.jpgThis is probably why I almost never have sex or do anything to passionate, except write and care for my pets...

 I liken my love/ passion to a California forest fire, all consuming

hence me being single;  a public safety measure-no doubt


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