
Just Move? wha?

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Personally, I was for too long seduced by an impossible ideal of living in a huge Harlem apartment , alone, with  "outrageously low" rent until I expired from happiness ...

However I "learnt tahday!" that just wasn't my lot in life...

So, here are some things I learned (in anticipation of the moving process)

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  1. When buying furniture, accessories, and clothing; It's always best to ask "WWAMD"/ What would a man do? Usually, a man wouldn't waste his money on much of anything that doesn't have to do with making money-ie: work clothing, pens, an ipad. Save a few pieces of functional furniture, most men are minimalist until they  meet a woman, who of course comes into their life with baggage and furniture!

    If we, as women , did the same-how much money would we save? How much time and labor would be avoided during a moving or rearrangement process? dress like a lady, but think like a man.
  2.  If someone passes away/abandons their property in your( shared) living space-decide what you want immediately!
    -Once you decide: sell/throw/give away everything out within a month. Otherwise it will become your burden and could  mess up your living spaces "feng shui" .If you are not in charge of the property, then make the person who is come and get it. Don't allow your living space to be anyone's free storage-unles they are willing to pay for storage.

  3. Don't indulge consumer addiction.
    -I love my family (and myself) but I recognize that I may have inherited some "hoarder" tenancies... While packing,I felt like I was one outfit and a decorative bowl away from leaving the house and running into my mother & a Hoarder intervention specialist. So much stuff... no one needs this much stuff....never again.

  4. Don't do "house furniture" in an apartment, unless you want to stay there forever.
    -You won't be able to move it as freely as you think. It may look nice, but it's not so nice to move.

  5. "Upcycle" aka the process of making something old -new and giving it a new purpose.
    -For example, I am now intrigued with the suitcase table and chair. I want to make one so bad. I have the suitcase, but am vacillating between making the chair/table.Once I make it, I will do a video-bloopers, as I have no business instructing anyone in "making anything". I go through so many changes in pursuit of perfection. You-tube doesn't even have videos that long. :-) So , i will spare you.I think I am going with the table (Click here, for my up-cycle project inspiration)

  6. Don't be afraid to try new things with your space, your body, or your life.
    -Use your space the way you want and if that means having pillows instead of a couch-do the darn thang! My motto is, If I pay, it's just gotta be my way...

    If you do these things, you may find yourself actually happy and comfortable in your rental/ Condo/ home/whatever. Furthermore, if you move, unlike me, you won't wish you had done more with your space.

    And you can "move" on to the things that really matter like career goals. See mine below for an example:
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cheers to the successful "bust a[nd] move"!(click here for a blog about the unsuccessful move that taught me how to successfully move)

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