
Fixing for an eviction...

So, I was on a mission to just write something, ANYTHING to keep this from being a blog that is more style than substance-which is harder than I thought...

Even when you are lacking things to do (always) , and have everything else TO DO (always),  but write about the innocuous, annoying, striking and whatever else relentlessly holds your attentions hostage(usually something on the internet). It's hard to articulate ..So when all else fails, I write about the present:

I took off from work, for the week, because I thought there was high possibility of me being evicted from my apartment. I figured I should be home for that...

Did you know they put a sign on your door that alerts your neighbors about your pending eviction:

I was like:

say what? photo tumblr_lxk4gssyyK1ql5yr7o1_400.gif

I needed to be home to take it down, before anyone saw it and knew...:-)

AND before you make any pre-judgements about me involving :
  1. stereotypes about irresponsible youth 
  2. stereotypes about black people (especially if you are black people- Gasp I see you!)
  3.  my finances
  1. My credit is good.
  2. I live within my means 
  3. I hate when other people know my business before me.
The "whys" will be addressed in another blog, but know the evictions has to do with evil inhumane business models and the law (which is an evil inhumane business model)...and that I staved those vultures off for two years...Bam!
    In any event, I spent this time packing, donating, throwing things away-which is always necessary. Obsessing over what to store, and whether storage is even a fiscally sound option.

    Anyway, reading a few other blogs about organization, packing and storage has left me overwhelmed. it's like, help me, without tell me what to do...argh

    Luckily, I was not evicted last week, but am instead being evicted this week-which at least means the packing wasn't in vain...(positivity)

    Good thing, because I wasn't sure I knew how to be evicted, without making it look like a mob hit...

    i can't photo tumblr_lvoxglYDLX1ql5yr7o1_400.gif
    So right now this is me:

     photo 160616566.jpg

     Any odd movement triggers a door snatch...

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