
Solicitation on the Train is Illegal, but for those who insist...

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This guy

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I am not.
Not a dime, nickel, or a quarter...

I know the pains of homelessness...remember not to long ago, I was evicted...along with my turtles and "little [rabbit] too..."

It was embarassing, but I think begging on the train is even more embarassing...especially if your story sucks or falls apart easily...and quite honestly,for me,  listening to another homeless person is annoying.

I made a way, and it looks so good that homeless people are ASKING ME for MONEY!

I don't care what the story is, because I can't go to my mother's house and feel good about giving money to someone who is homeless, even if it is in a more traditional sense...

SHe will definitely look at me like
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Oh? so you give away money...but you stay with me!
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If you find yourself begging on the train, you need to adjust your lifestyle...Like most strap hangers,   I am not about to give my money to someone who asks for it. Anyonw who wants my ends, has to get it the ski mask way!

When I was on the cusp of homelessness, you could have got some change, maybe; but not now that I have fallen over the edge! Hell to the NO!

Then again, I may be predjudiced because I am attractive and "being pretty" makes life so much easier...
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So much so, that I forget about the "unattractive struggle".

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So, if you find yourself in the confines of an "unattractive struggle', work on making yourself attractive, this will go a long way....Anyone who says different:

and they also want you to be mired in fail..
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When I was sick, in a wheelchair and looking tore up, no one did anything for me.
The I said:


 and bought clothing that fit, I felt like the Jewish slaves behind Moses; when he parted the red sea; everyone became a helper...A way was made

Another plus to investing in yourself, is that you don't really have to worry about starving to death, food banks or Food Stamps- because of the way dating works...

As an attractive woman, you can say...
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Dating , at least, gets you a free meal, a movie, maybe dancing  and more free meals follow-if you like the person. If you don't , the process starts over with someone new. The trade off is free food and maybe some good consistent company-maybe a relationship-for you, and they get... to bask in your sweet smelling presence (which is awesome)

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To have this happen, you stay clean , keep up your hobbies, and read the newspapers-so you have things to talk about (They give those out for free on the train...lol)...kind of like a stay at home mom. Actually , that can be your goal; to become stay at home mom/housewife..then you can get food and probably a home. #Boom

I just solved homelessness...for attractive women; the only group of people who matter anyway.
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Despite suffrage and women going to work, men will never have it this good... and I thank my higher power for that :-)

Then again, I did go (and graduate from) a premier institution of higher learning; one for women-

They did say I would solve big  world problems :-) One day I am going to be a famous writer., people will pay me to talk 'ish' / drop knowledge....but while it's free
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 But that's a far more reasonable price for your  story and pride "swallowage" , then the discarded small change gathered from dark corners of purses of judgmental  staring strangers on the train will ever add up to...

 So, if you see me and think about soliciting some change

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You can do better.


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